The Production Room was founded in 1995 as one of the first full time digital commercial recording facilties on the central coast of California. We started with 4 stereo tracks, 16 mb of ram and a 250 mb hard drive. A lot has happened since then. Today we're focusing on ways to serve clients who are creating web based media content. This includes strategic planning to integrate the benefits of traditional media, web design and IT solutions into new programs produced especially for on-line consumers. Join in the conversation. Throw rocks at glass houses. Share your vision of the future. This is the most progressive time in the media arts since Johannes Gutenburg invented movable type!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sweet Dreams Down Under With Robert Bosnak

I haven't done a live airshift since 1995 but I still have dreams about being on the radio.

I'm on the air doing my DJ shift and the song on the air is beginning to fade. That's when I realize I have nothing cued up to play next and no idea what to say. That actually happened a few times while I was awake and the feeling is enough to give a person nightmares. We started on a similar note on this ISDN connection to Australia - when technical problems had us stumped.

The mix of dreaming and consciousness and the space in between has fascinated human beings for quite a long time. Psychoanalyst Robert Bosnak, believes we can consciously work inside of those dreams in that strange space. I was introduced to Mr. Bosnak, thanks to The ABC - that's the Australian Broadcasting Company - which invited Mr. Bosnak to guest on their program, "All In The Mind" using ISDN studio service from The Production Room in Santa Barbara.

The Interview was conducted by Natasha Mitchell, a journalist and ABC presenter with a depth of experience.

You can listen to her interview titled, "Dreams - The Body Alive" on "All InThe Mind". You can also read Ms. Mitchell's blog and listener comments about the program. I don't know if Ms. Mitchell has dreams about radio, but she came to her interview prepared to explore their nebulous nature.

Mr. Bosnak has written an internationally well received book that just might interest someone who'd like a brief course on dream work. You can review excerpts of his book, "A little Course In Dreams" at Amazon's online reader.

I'm honored by the opportunity to provide links that connect interesting people I'd never meet were it not for the larger world and the curiosity of the people in it. I hope you'll listen to to this example of radio Australia's excellent reporting and the latest on dream work from Mr. Bosnak.

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