The Production Room was founded in 1995 as one of the first full time digital commercial recording facilties on the central coast of California. We started with 4 stereo tracks, 16 mb of ram and a 250 mb hard drive. A lot has happened since then. Today we're focusing on ways to serve clients who are creating web based media content. This includes strategic planning to integrate the benefits of traditional media, web design and IT solutions into new programs produced especially for on-line consumers. Join in the conversation. Throw rocks at glass houses. Share your vision of the future. This is the most progressive time in the media arts since Johannes Gutenburg invented movable type!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Now! For ALL Your Radio Needs!

Last weekend was a really important sales weekend for car dealers. I know because I've been voicing and producing car commercials for a very long time.

Memorial Day Weekend sales events are as common as dirt. It's pretty hard to stand out from the crowd of advertisers who blast the airwaves with video vomit and full frequency audio assaults for THIS WEEKEND ONLY!

So I was pretty happy to learn that a simple spot I voiced at Red Rocket Productions for Toland Marketing helped sell 73 Toyotas. That's pretty good for a single dealership. Furthermore, the dealer only bought radio. No Print. No TV. No Direct Mail. So that would be an example of good radio advertising.

Now, for a hilarious example of bad radio advertising that you can write yourself, follow this link:
to "Dan O'Day's Amazing Bad Commercial Generator!"

There's lots of fun stuff here, Dan has been providing prep. sheets, production elements and "sound" advice to radio professionals for years. This is your chance to peek behind the curtain at some real old school radio goodies. Trust me, anybody who ever was a disc jockey knows Dan O'Day and O'liners.

And if you want to know how we helped a single dealer sell 73 cars last weekend, let me know.


Anonymous said...'s so hard for me to listen to radio these days. One example: a well-known pundit was complaining about "main stream media bias" ... so I changed the tuner. And the same guy's syndicated show was on five stations in Ventura County!

...poor fella.

Of course, my old car's old radio can barely bring in the AM stations now.

John Quimby said...

Hi Darryl,

By definition, anyone who talks on a radio program is not normal or mainstream.

"Mainstream Bias"!

Didn't we used to call that, "Majority Rule"?

Anonymous said...

...ooh, snap!

Anonymous said...

Hey, John....

I just saw your wonderful plug for my Bad Commercial Generator...and then I noticed you've even linked to my site.

Thanks very much!

Dan O